ORED hosting retail innovation seminar Wednesday

Retail is the fourth largest industry in Mississippi in terms of revenue and third for employment. Mississippi State University is renowned for its statewide contributions to agriculture, engineering and business and also is making an impact in the retail sector. A leading university member of the National Retail Federation, MSU supports on-campus and community retail ventures and research products through retail outlets and is a driving force behind retail workforce development and certification.

The Office of Research and Economic Development at MSU is hosting a Market Research and Retail Academy in-person seminar on Wednesday [March 24] from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Hunter Henry Center on the Starkville campus. This seminar will highlight teaching, research and service work in retail that is impacting Mississippi. Faculty and directors will discuss opportunities for incorporating retail into the classroom, expanding workforce development and economic impact, and connecting one's research directly to the consumer.

Registration is required to attend this free seminar. Lunch will be provided. Register now at www.tfaforms.com/4866643. Space is limited. For additional information, please contact Lynn Taylor at ltaylor@research.msstate.edu.

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