Reese named distinguished alumna by alma mater

A Bagley College of Engineering department head is being honored for her professional achievements and status as a prominent alumna for a Louisiana-based university.

Donna S. Reese, professor and head of the computer science and engineering department, has been named a 2012 Distinguished Alumni by Louisiana Tech University's college of engineering and science.

Reese is actively involved in national efforts to broaden participation and improve retention of students in the fields of computing, science, engineering, technology and mathematics. She has been recognized by MSU and national organizations for her work as a teacher, adviser and student mentor.

She earned a bachelor's degree in computer science from Louisiana Tech University, and master's and doctoral degrees in the same field from Texas A&M University.

"I am honored to have been chosen for this award. It's great to be recognized for something I am passionate about", Reese said.

Reese first came to MSU in 1989 as a visiting assistant professor. She served for several years as the system software thrust leader for MSU's National Science Foundation funded Engineering Research Center. Before being named department head, Reese served as the college's associate dean for academics and administration for six years.

She has been recognized nationally for her dedication to students earning the Tau Beta Pi McDonald Mentoring Award and the National Academic Advising Association Outstanding Faculty Adviser award. At Mississippi State she has earned the John Grisham Master Teacher award and been recognized numerous times for outstanding achievements in teaching and advising.

For more information about Louisiana Tech University and its college of engineering and science, visit

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