Department of Art presents faculty exhibition

Joseph MacGown takes a long look at a painting

Local artist Joseph MacGown takes a long look at a painting by MSU Art Professor Alex Bostic during the opening reception for the Department of Art's bi-annual faculty exhibition last Thursday [Aug. 25]. The exhibit is free and open to the public from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. PHOTO: Megan Bean | Public Affairs

Seventeen faculty and staff members of Mississippi State’s Department of Art are presenting a variety of artistic mediums in the Bi-Annual Department of Art Faculty Exhibition Aug. 22-Sept. 16.

In the university’s Cullis Wade Depot Art Gallery, the exhibition showcases ceramics, drawing, fiber, painting, photography, sculpture and video -- all recent works by art department faculty and staff.

For a complete list of participating faculty and bios, visit

For more information about the Department of Art, visit

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