Policy reminders from University Health Services

The Mississippi State University Student Health Center (SHC) offers these points to remember for its patients:

-- Appointment phone number: 662-325-7539. Calling for an appointment will enhance your chances being seen promptly.

-- SHC does not issue excuses for missing class.

-- Gated lot is only for patients with health center business. Violators will be ticketed.

-- A charge of $25 will be assessed to your account if you miss an appointment. Fifteen minutes late constitutes a missed appointment.

-- Patient privacy is a priority. Family and guests accompanying patients may wait in the lobby and will be called upon if needed by the clinical staff.

-- If you would like SHC to file your charges to health insurance, please provide your insurance card to the staff. Charges and credits from insurance payments will go to your student account at the end of each month. Note: pharmacy card may be different than medical insurance card.

-- Prescriptions transferred from other pharmacies will require one day notice.

-- You may request refills on line at https://ssl3.msstate.edu/health/refills/.

For more information, please visit University Health Services online at http://www.health.msstate.edu/.

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